Yuheng Ji (冀昱衡)

My name is Yuheng Ji, a lyric poet, a passionate lover of life and a master student at degree Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Automation (CASIA). I'm supervised by Prof. Xiaolong Zheng in iBasic. My research interests include multi-modal representation learning, efficient modeling and adversarial robust in machine learning.

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My research interests mainly multi-modal representation learning, efficient modeling and adversarial robust in machine learning.
* denotes equal contributions.

AdvLoRA: Adversarial Low-Rank Adaptation of Vision-Language Models
Yuheng Ji*, Yue Liu*, Zhicheng Zhang, Zhao Zhang, Yuting Zhao, Gang Zhou, Xingwei Zhang, Xinwang Liu, Xiaolong Zheng
Arxiv, 2024

We propose a parameter-efficient adversarial adaptation method named AdvLoRA by low-rank adaptation to improve the robustness of vision-language models.

Learning Hash Subspace from Large-Scale Multi-modal Pre-Training: A CLIP-Based Cross-modal Hashing Framework
Yuheng Ji*, Xingwei Zhang*, Gang Zhou, Xiaolong Zheng, Daniel Dajun Zeng
China Conference on Command and Control (Outstanding Paper Award), 2023

We propose a cross-modal hashing framework called CCMH (CLIP-based Cross-Modal Hashing), which facilitates the transferability of a well-trained real-value semantic subspace to a hash semantic subspace.

  • Reviewer for ACM MM'24
  • Reviewer for AAAI'25
  • [2024] 冀昱衡, 张曌, 张兴伟, 郑晓龙, "大模型微调中的低秩性," 中国指挥与控制学会通讯.
  • [2023] 冀昱衡, 张兴伟, 郑晓龙, 曾大军, "基于多模态预训练的跨模态检索算法研究," 中国指挥与控制学会通讯 46 (4), 10-16.
  • [2023] 一种基于多模态预训练的跨模态哈希检索系统,发明专利,第一发明人
  • [2023] 一种基于图神经网络的信用卡欺诈检测系统,发明专利,第一发明人
  • [2023] 一种针对检索模型的在线隐私保护系统,发明专利,第二发明人
  • [2022] 一种基于新闻主题句的文本情感分类系统,发明专利,第二发明人
  • [2024] Merit Student, UCAS, School Award.
  • [2023] Outstanding Graduates, Provincial Award.
  • [2022] Recommendation for admission to CASIA.
  • [2022] Merit Student, Provincial Award.
  • [2022] China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Student, National Award.
  • [2021] China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Student, National Award.
  • [2020] China National Scholarship for Undergraduate Student, National Award.
  • [2019-2023] Scholarships, School Award.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website